Friday, March 19, 2010

This Baker's Brief History

Welcome to a Baker's Blog. You can read the 'about me's' and all that jazz but that's really only a small condensed version of why I decided to start this. Want the whole story? Read on.

I used to think I was a horrible baker. Though my mother doesn't bake a lot (she has a gluten intolerance) when she made pie's (and boy does she make pies) they were amazing. Both of my grandmothers have this amazing ability to create the most delicious pies, cakes, loafs and cookies. My favorite thing to do at either of their houses was to bake with them. A lot of my memories as a child revolved around some kind of baking or cooking, or just generally being in the kitchen.

As I grew up I decided I could bake on my own. BIG mistake. I had a friend who lived just down the street who came over a lot, and one day we decided we should make some brownies. Being 12 or 13, I thought I knew everything, including how to use our ancient brown and beige oven that was so old that most of the instructions were worn off. We made the batter and poured it into the pan, everything was going well. However, my mother wasn't older brother was baby sitting, and I really didn't think he would know how to work the oven. Long story short, I accidentally set the oven to 'self clean' which...being an old oven, I am still amazed it even had that capacity. Anyways, the door locked, smoked up the kitchen, and by the time we had come back from playing Barbies, our brownies were charred on the outside and still cold on the inside. Yea, we totally ate them.

Needless to say, I was in trouble when my mom got home. I didn't bake for awhile after that, though I did manage to learn which symbol mean't 'self-clean'. It will forever be ingrained in my memory! But I did start again eventually. I mostly dabbled in it, and only baked when necessary. In my house, if you wanted something sweet, you had to make it. My mother, having many food allergies, had mostly healthy healthy food in the house, and though I didn't like it then, I am really glad for it now. Now when I need a snack, I make it myself. That way I know exactly what is going into my food, and how much of it!

So I guess I left a little bit of a gap. Between my burnt 'self cleaned' brownies and my current baking obsession lies a number of years of on an off baking. My current situation is a result of an over-stressed student with a sweet tooth. During my 1st year of college I realised how much baking I was missing in my daily life. My dorm room didn't have an oven and being the rather anti-social person that I can be, I never felt comfortable using the communal one, I didn't even own a cook book! but during the last 4 years of school I fell in love with baking again. I bake biscuits, cakes, cookies and muffins. I conquered my fear of pie (which will be revealed eventually I'm sure) and now it is one of my favorite things to make.

Sure, sometimes I will bake to avoid studying. I often bake when I'm upset. I bake when I'm bored, and I bake when I'm happy. It's nearly a vice! But I enjoy it, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. So if you're interested in discovering the world of baking with me, come along for the ride. Share some recipes, stories, maybe some laughs, and certainly share failures (because the more I bake, the more screws ups I get!), but above all let's share some FOOD!


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